Notes from a Covid-19 Open House.


People came. Fewer than anticipated, and they were visibly nervous, but they showed up. Some were wearing gloves, others masks, or both. I did my best to reassure them, told them all surfaces had been cleaned, offered them supplies and a place to wash their hands as often as they wished.

Lots of smiles, no handshakes. I suspect the handshake will be a permanent Covid casualty, and personally I’m ok with that. Something interesting happens when you dispense with this perfunctory socially mandated gesture. The automatic, often insipid action with little intent or meaning has been replaced by intense eye contact that pleads, “Forgive me. It’s not you, it’s Covid.”

People were nervous, yes, but they were present, and grateful. Grateful that I was there to welcome them, grateful to see the visible signs of my efforts to protect their safety. It was one of most personal open houses I have ever conducted, if only because our mere presence was significant. These were not curious lookie-loos checking out the neighbour’s decor. They really wanted to see this particular house, and are that invested in finding a new home. It was…meaningful.

As for my wonderful sellers, who expressed to me their anxiety about opening their family home to countless strangers in a pandemic atmosphere, never was a client’s trust more precious.

I spent about 20 minutes at the end of the open house wiping down every knob, every handle, every light switch, anyplace where a hand might land, I thoroughly wiped down. It felt good to know I was taking care of them, not just shoving my leftover listings and business cards back into my bag and hotfooting it back home. It felt good to know that my actions mattered.

None of us knows where this is headed, how much things will continue to change. As more countries adopt similar measures to contain the virus, as borders – and French restaurants! – close, traffic lightens, and toilet paper memes dominate social media, humans may go into self-isolation, but humanity is infected with commonality. China, Italy, Iran, South Korea, France, United States, Spain, Netherlands, Canada…we are all falling into the same step.

Things will eventually get back to normal and this too will be an obscure chapter in our collective history. But let’s take a minute to appreciate the slow-down, the remote intimacy created by a shared human experience in a world where divergence has become an extreme sport.

Tomorrow is my second and last open house event for this listing. I still have a property to sell. I don’t know if anyone will show up. Lately, every day is a whole new world. Strange times, we straddle a dual reality of life before and after Covid 19.

Keep calm and carry on – but bring wipes.

Thinking of buying or selling? Curious what the neighbour’s property went for? Write to Jo with your Montreal real estate questions at

Jo Simonetti is a Residential Real Estate Broker with KW Urbain in Montreal, Canada with close to ten years of experience helping buyers and sellers.




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